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- Rasestandard -

Dette er rasestandaren for Terrier Brasileiro som står ført i FCI.

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Hunting dog for small game, guard dog and companion.



Group 3 Terriers. Section 1 Large and medium-sized Terriers. Without working trial.



In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many young Brazilians studied in the European universities, especially in France and England. These young people often returned married and their wives brought with them a small Terrier type dog. The young Brazilians and their families went back to the farms they had left. The little dog adapted to farm life and crossed with local dogs and bitches. Thus, a new type was formed and the phenotype was fixed in a few generations. With the development of large cities, the great urban centres attracted farmers, their families and employees. In this way the small dog underwent another change of environment.



Medium-sized dog, slender, well balanced, with firm but not very heavy structure, square shaped body with curved lines.



Square dog: the length of its body, measured from the shoulder to the tip of the iliac is approximately the same as the height at the withers. 



Restless, alert, active and keen; friendly and gentle to friends, suspicious of strangers.



Viewed from the top, the head is triangular in shape, broad at its base, with ears well apart, narrowing notably from the eyes to the nose tip. Viewed in profile, the upper line rises slightly from the tip of the nose to the stop, mainly between the eyes and continuing to the occipital bone with a slight convexity.



Skull: Rounded with moderately flat forehead. Its side lines, seen from the top, converge to the eyes. The distance from the external eye-corner to the set of the ears is equal to the distance between the two external eye-corners. Medial frontal groove well developed.

Stop: Pronounced.



Nose: Moderately developed, dark coloured according to the coat colour with wide nostrils.

Muzzle: Viewed from the top, it describes an isosceles triangle from both external eye-corners to the tip of the nose; strong and well chiselled under the eyes with a sloping root of muzzle, accentuating the stop.

Lips: Dry and firm, the upper lip just over the lower, covering the teeth, allowing to close the mouth completely.

Cheek: Dry, well developed.

Teeth: 42 teeth, regularly set and well developed, scissors bite.



Set halfway between the occipital protuberance and the nose tip, well apart, the distance between the two external eye-corners being equal to the distance from the external eye-corner to the nose tip. Looking straight forward, moderately prominent, large with slightly accentuated superciliary arches. Rounded, well opened, alive, with a keen expression; as dark as possible according to the coat colour. The blue variety has bluish grey, the brown variety has brown, green or blue eyes and the isabella variety, besides the brown variety colours, also may have amber, from light to dark.


EARS: Set on laterally, in line with the eyes, well apart from each other. Triangular shaped with pointed tips; carried half-pricked, with the folded tip falling down and pointing to the external eye-corner.



Of moderate length, well balanced in relation to the head, harmoniously set to head and trunk. Well defined, clean, dry; upper line slightly curved.



Well balanced, not too heavy, square appearance with well defined curved lines.

Topline: Firm and straight, going slightly upwards from the withers to the croup.

Withers: Well pronounced and harmoniously connected to the front legs.

Back: Relatively short and well muscled.

Loin: Short and firm, harmoniously connected to the croup.

Croup: Slightly sloping, low set tail. Well developed and muscled.

Chest: Long, deep, reaching to the level of the elbows. Well arched ribs. The sternum is moderately curved. Forechest not very pronounced, moderately broad, allowing free movement of the forelegs. Underline and belly: Slightly curved, rising to the rear but no extremely tucked up.



Naturally short or long. In the latter case it does not reach below the hock. Vigorous and low set, happily carried and, when long, in a gentle curve, not curled over the back.



General appearance: Viewed from the front straight, moderately apart, but in line with the hind legs, which are also straight, but more apart.

Shoulders: Long.

Upper arms: Approximately the same length as the shoulder-blade, forming with this an angle of approximately 110°.

Elbows: Set tightly to the body, at the same level as the chest underline.

Forerarms: Straight, thin and dry.

Pasterns: Very moderate, straight and thin, nearly perpendicular to the ground.

Forefeet: Tight, neither turned in nor out; The two median toes are longer.



General appearance: Strongly muscled, well developed thighs, more apart than the forelegs.

Upper thighs: Well developed and muscled.

Stifles: Moderately angulated.

Lower thighs: In proportion to the upper thighs.

Hocks: Moderately short and set perpendicular to the ground when standing. Metatarsus (Rear pasterns): Straight.

Hind feet: Tight, with longer toes than the forefeet.



Elegant, free, short and quick movement.


SKIN: Well applied, not loose. Dry.


COAT Hair:

Short-haired, smooth, fine but not soft, laid close to the skin. One cannot see the skin through it. Finer on the head, ears, under the neck, on inner and lower parts of forequarters and backside of the thighs.



Ground colour predominant white with black, blue, brown or isabella markings; the following typical and characteristic markings must always be present: tan markings above the eyes, on both sides of the muzzle and inside and on edge of ears. These markings may extend to other body regions bordering markings. The head must always present black, blue, brown or isabella markings in the frontal region and ears; there might be a white blaze and marks preferably on the frontal groove and sides of the muzzle, distributed as harmoniously as possible.



Height at the withers: Males from 35 to 40 cm. Females from 33 to 38 cm.

Weight: 10 kg approximately.



Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

• Thinning coat showing the skin, long or atypical hair.

• Faults in the typical characteristic markings.

• Too heavy or too loose shoulders.

• Arched hind legs.

• Lack of harmony, atypical build.



• Downwards topline from the withers to the croup.



• Aggressive or overly shy.

• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.

• Flat croup.

Overshot or undershot bite. St-FCI n°341/ 05.11.2018 7

• Fully erect ear.



• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding. The latest amendments are in bold characters.

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